Cigar description
This cigar was launched at the opening of the international private member cigar club “Club Mareva” in Split, Croatia. It has been adopted as the house cigar and bears the club emblem on its ring. The blend is based on the Casdagli Cigars' Traditional Blend.
With the Tripa consisting mainly of aged Nicaraguan Viso and Dominican Seco this cigar delivers smooth, creamy honey taste with a sweet aroma.
Cigar details
Body: Medium to Full
Flavor: Medium to Full
Strength: Medium
Cigar composition
Wrapper: Brazilian Cubra
Binder: Dominican
Filler: Dominican, Nicaragua, USA
Tasting notes
Chocolate, tobacco, earth, grass, cedar
Packaged in a natural cedar piano top box of 24 cigars with individual cellophane. All packages include a 69% RH 10g Boveda humidification pack to ensure proper humidification during transit and storage.
Blended for Casdagli Cigars
This cigar is blended especially for Casdagli Cigars by Hendrik Kelner Jr of the famous Kelner family of Master blenders at the
Kelner Boutique Factory.