Cigar description
Lorenz was the most top secret cypher machine used by the German Army in WW2 and was declassified only in 2002. The deciphered Lorenz messages made one of the most significant contributions to the British military intelligence and to Allied victory in Europe, due to the high-level strategic nature of the information that was gained from Lorenz decrypts.
The exotic and difficult to obtain binder and filler tobaccos of our Lorenz remain to be encyphered. Here's a little hint: the selected filler and binder tobaccos originate from Costa Rica and their aim is to deliver a very cubanesque characteristic.The Colorado wrapper leaf also delivers dark chocolate notes to accompany the honey and almond aromas added by the filler leaves. The long slender Diademas format also ensures some subtle changes during the long elegant smoke.
Cigar details
Body: Medium
Flavor: Medium to Full
Strength: Medium
Cigar composition
Wrapper: Ecuador
Binder: Undisclosed
Filler: Undisclosed
Tasting notes
Honey, almond, dark chocolate
Each cigar packaged in an individual blue varnished "coffin" box. 8 "coffins" in each traditional plain wood slide top box. The box is sealed with a decorative "dollar" band.
Blended for Casdagli Cigars
This cigar is blended especially for Casdagli Cigars at an exclusive IGM boutique factory in San Jose, Costa Rica.