Casdagli Cigars team is small, capable and dedicated to ensuring that our brand encompasses our core values of Luxury, Elegance and Tradition.
Jeremy Casdagli
Founder and CEO
The founder, the leader, the heart and soul of Casdagli Cigars. As well as planning production with the factories for all existing products Jeremy plans all new releases and has the final decisíon on the blends. Jeremy's favorite cigars are ... all his lanceros.
Helen Sahk
Helen is the right hand girl of Jeremy. She is responsible of the logistics, keeping accounts and making sure all orders depart in good time. Plus most important - organising Jeremy's diary. Helen's favorite cigar is Mareva Especial.
Maiko Knarren
International Sales Director
Our international trouble shooter who works hand in hand with Jeremy to nurture and expand our distributor network across the globe. He finds a special affinity for the Lonsdale from the Villa Casdagli Line, a choice increasingly favored for its sweet-tasting Peruvian leaf. A versatile companion for any time of day, Maiko cherishes the Lonsdale's perfect size.
Triine Casdagli
Marketing Manager
Triine sees to that Casdagli Cigars brand looks, feels and sounds good and keeps our fans up to date with the news. Triine's favorite cigar is Grand Café for its elegant looks.
Adeline Vaher-Vahter
Instagram Ambassador
Adeline is our Instagram wizzard picking up all the fabulous photos our fans have created of Casdagli Cigars on daily basis and makes many more herself. By profession she's an accomplished international model. Adeline's favorite cigar is Grand Café.
Taavi Torim
Taavi is our artistic talent who has created most of our designs from cigar bands, boxes, promotional materials and adverts. Taavi runs an independent graphic design company specialising in graphic design and 3D visualisation. Taavi's favourite cigar is Daughters of the Wind Calico.